Legal notice

Legal notice


The information contained on this website is current on the date of its last update and should be considered as introductory information for the user regarding the products, services and other information contained on these pages. The user can confirm the update date of any information, if requested, through the email box that is available to them on the same website.

Marian Delgado rejects all responsibility derived from the misuse of the contents of the web and reserves the right to update them whenever it wishes, eliminate them, modify them and limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or permanently.

Marian Delgado rejects all responsibility for any information not contained in these web pages and that, therefore, has not been prepared or published under her name. In a special way, it rejects all responsibility for the information contained in web pages of third parties connected by links (link) with the web page:

Marian Delgado is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur due to the use of computers infected with computer viruses or for the consequences that may arise from the malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the same.

The reproduction, copying, use, distribution, commercialization, public communication or any other activity that is carried out with the information contained in this web page and that is carried out without the authorization of Marian Delgado, is an infringement punishable by current legislation.

In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that all the contents of the website -which include, without limitation, texts, graphics , logos, button icons, images, audio files and software, etc.- are either the property of Marian Delgado, or of clients or suppliers, and are protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property regulations. The compilation (understood as such the compilation, arrangement and assembly) of all the content of the website is the exclusive property of Marian Delgado and is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property regulations. All software used on the website is Marian Delgado. or its software providers, and is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property laws.


The access and/or use of the portal attributes the condition of USER, who accepts, from said access and/or use, the Conditions of Use reflected here. The aforementioned Conditions will be applied independently of the General Conditions of Contract that, if applicable, are mandatory.

The USER accepts that the use of the portal, the contents and/or the services is carried out under their sole and exclusive responsibility. This responsibility extends to the registration that is necessary to access certain services or content. In said registry, the USER will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. As a result of this registration, the USER may be provided with a password for which they will be responsible, committing to make diligent and proportional use of it.

Modification of the Conditions of Use

Marian Delgado, may at any time and without prior notice, modify these Conditions of Use, as well as the particular conditions that, where appropriate, are included, by publishing said modifications on the portal so that they can be known. by USERS.

Use of cookies

Marian Delgado may activate cookies through which the user is recognized with the aim of improving the services it provides and facilitating the user’s navigation through its website as much as possible. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer and do not provide references that allow personal data to be deduced. The USER has the option to prevent the generation of cookies, by selecting the corresponding option in their browser.

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

These Terms of Use will be interpreted and governed in accordance with current Spanish legislation.

The parties expressly waive the jurisdiction that may correspond to them and expressly submit to the Tribunals and Courts of Puertollano (Ciudad Real) to resolve any dispute that may arise in the interpretation or execution of these contractual conditions.

All rights reserved